Cyan Web API - Version 1

POST api/devices

            Creates a device resource within a tenant.
             This is used primarily by the Client Engines for registering new devices within the Cyan infrastructure.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
The body of the request should contain a representation of the Device resource you wish to create.
             The field "DeviceId" should not be passed by the client, this will be assigned by the server.
             The field "DeviceGroupId" can be passed by the client, if you know which DeviceGroup you want to put the device in.
             If not specified, the device will be put into the default device group for the Tenant.
             The field "TenantId" should not be passed by the client, this will be determined using the
             X-Cyan-TenantAccessKey header.
             The field "Name" can be passed by the client, but the device Name must be unique within the
             Tenant, otherwise the request will fail.  If not passed, it will default to the new DeviceId.
             The client should try to pass "Manufacturer", "ManufacturerDeviceId", "Model", and "VersionInfo" if
             any of these pieces of information can be gathered from the device.
             Manufacturer can be set to anything, but examples might include: "Samsung", "HTC", "Microsoft" etc.
             ManufacturerDeviceId can be set to anything, but should be set to a the unique ID assigned to
             the device by the manufacturer, if one exists.
             Model can be set to anything, but should be set to the device's model identifier, if it can be determined.
             Examples might include: "Galaxy S3", "Nexus 4", "Surface Pro", etc.
             VersionInfo is a catch-all field for capturing anything about the device software/hardware/OS versions.
             For example: "Android version 4.2", "Windows RT, WinRT Version x.x", etc.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "deviceId": "b88a5ac0-6edb-47d2-a61f-829bd44af44e",
  "tenantId": "b9d5178d-386c-444e-98a0-d898d3a84d88",
  "deviceGroupId": "da89f87d-499c-4917-b770-52bd62afabdf",
  "name": "sample string 4",
  "description": "sample string 5",
  "manufacturerDeviceId": "sample string 6",
  "manufacturer": "sample string 7",
  "model": "sample string 8",
  "versionInfo": "sample string 9",
  "phoneNumber": "sample string 10",
  "isBlocked": true,
  "connectedDateUtc": "2024-10-17T13:21:16.8811658+00:00",
  "imei": "sample string 12",
  "macAddress": "sample string 13",
  "serialNumber": "sample string 14",
  "bluetoothName": "sample string 15",
  "createdDateUtc": "2024-10-17T13:21:16.8811658+00:00",
  "updatedDateUtc": "2024-10-17T13:21:16.8811658+00:00"

application/xml, text/xml

<DeviceRepresentation xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <BluetoothName>sample string 15</BluetoothName>
  <Description>sample string 5</Description>
  <Imei>sample string 12</Imei>
  <MacAddress>sample string 13</MacAddress>
  <Manufacturer>sample string 7</Manufacturer>
  <ManufacturerDeviceId>sample string 6</ManufacturerDeviceId>
  <Model>sample string 8</Model>
  <Name>sample string 4</Name>
  <PhoneNumber>sample string 10</PhoneNumber>
  <SerialNumber>sample string 14</SerialNumber>
  <VersionInfo>sample string 9</VersionInfo>



Sample not available.